Prayer Spot

The following is an extract from our Easter Liturgy. It speaks of hope, strength, love and being thankful.

May the Resurrection hope be yours this Easter.

Prayers of Intercession

Loving God, help us to make spirituality a part of our daily lives to give us strength and meaning, as Jesus did on his life’s journey. Lord hear us.

All: Lord hear our prayer.

Loving God, help us to overcome our fears and live in a positive and hopeful way, as Jesus did. Lord hear us.

All: Lord hear our prayer.

Loving God, help us to be people who live with generous, courageous spirits, aware of what is going on with our peers, in our school, and in the wider world. May we be ready to listen with compassion and understanding as Jesus did, and respond with our hearts, our voice, and our action. Lord hear us.

All: Lord hear our prayer.

Loving God, we pray in thanks for the people who are offering care and treatment to those who are ill at the moment, and for those who have to make decisions for our safety and wellbeing. Give them strength, courage, wisdom and resilience. Lord hear us.

All: Lord hear our prayer.

A Blessing to strengthen us on our journey ahead

God of love and mercy, bless us with the gifts of the resurrection –

gratitude for life, joy, hope and freedom from fear.

All : Amen.

Bless us with the courage to bring hope and healing to our world.

All: Amen.

Bless us with the courage to live with hearts of love for God and others,

today and every day.

All: Amen.

May the God of love and mercy bless us.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

All: Amen.

Art work by Payton Harwood, from her RE Through the Eyes of Art class.­­­

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