Amelia Courtney 7CT has had her work published in the AFLW Grand Final Footy Record.
Recently the rowing program said goodbye to the 2020 and 2021 Senior rowers.
Three SHC girls have been selected to represent Vic Country in the AFL Championships.
All are cordially invited to our annual Winter Concert! Please see the flyer below for more information on what should be a very entertaining evening, showcasing our very talented musicians.
In the previous edition of the eNews we included an article written by Amelia Courtney 7CT titled 'My Special Place'. You can read this article by clicking here: My Special Place
Amelia's English teacher Mr Carl Tracey was suitably impressed by the writing and knew that it needed to be read by a larger audience. He sent her draft on to the AFL and it made its way to the Footy Record Editor who was also very impressed by the calibre of writing, so much so that it was published (with Amelia's permission) in the AFLW Grand Final Footy Record!
A big thanks to Mr Tracey and well done Amelia on such a wonderful achievement! You can find Amelia's piece on page 26 of the AFLW Grand Final Footy Record online by clicking the image below.
The College will be participating in the Tutoring Learning Initiative 2021 as announced in 2020 by the Victorian Government, to be implemented across all Victorian Schools this year. The purpose of the program is to support students whose learning was disrupted as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
For our students, the initiative will have an emphasis on the development of English and Mathematical knowledge and skills, and will be implemented across curriculum areas with the aim of building student capacity and confidence in all subject areas.
We welcome the following tutors to our staff:
English: Vicki Arthurson, Tessa Dunstan, Usha Rumney, Alexandria Pilkington-Kerr and Fergus Neal
Mathematics: Amy Hughes, Anthony O’Connor, Nic McMahon and Rhys Mawson.
Students and parents/guardians can access the tutoring session bookings by accessing Student Space, and clicking on the Calendar setting found on the right hand side. From there an appointment time which suits can be selected.
Monday 10 May will be a Remote Learning Day for all staff and students. The College will be closed, but you can still contact College Reception via email
We have many very kind and thoughtful girls here at Sacred Heart, none more so than Ella Osborne 10PARDS who assisted Geelong Mums with their recent Make a Mother's Day campaign.
Ella provides us with an insight below into what she did for this worthwhile cause, and the reasons as to why she felt moved to do so. Well done Ella on such a wonderful and generous act, we are very proud of you!
Geelong Mums mission statement is 'We exist to provide safety, opportunity and dignity for children and families in Victoria'. Geelong Mums is an organisation that recycles nursery equipment including, cots, prams, and cars seats as well as clothes and other baby essentials. They sort through and make sure everything is of high quality, and safe to use and isn't anything 'we' wouldn't use. They are highly staffed with Volunteers, where you can volunteer your time as long as you do your induction sessions and 'apply' online before you start.
I decided to help Geelong Mums with their cause this Mother's Day because all I wanted to do was to put a smile on these mother's faces, this Mother's day. I wanted them to feel cared about. I saw a need in the community and I wanted to make a difference in someone's life; even with this small gesture. Next year, due to the fact that 400 mothers will not be getting a bag this year, I would like to make 100 with better planning and with more help with the community to make even more mothers have a smile on their faces next year.
This year, I decided to help out Geelong Mums with their 'Make a Mother's Day' cause. I went shopping to make a 'toiletry bag' (per person) and little extras like face masks, hand cream and lipstick to make these mothers felt cared about and most importantly put a smile on their face this Mother's Day. I then got donations from the community and was able to make 26 Mother's Day 'toiletry bags'/hampers. At the beginning I was planning on making 5, then it turned to 10 then with the help of my community I was able to make 26. I am feeling very grateful for friends and the community helping me out with this project and I am sure these mothers will too.
How lovely does our College look in the fog? These beautiful photos were taken during the last school holidays when there was nobody about. SHC really looks stunning whilst shrouded in the fog and mist.
Online applications for Year 7 2022 are now open.
Sacred Heart College receives applications for Year 7 enrolments when the student is in Year 6.
Please complete the online application by visiting SHC Online Enrolments. Applications for Year 7 2022 close on Friday 7th of May 2021.
Letters of offer will be emailed on 18th of June 2021, with the closing date for $300 (non-refundable) Acceptance of Enrolment payment due in July.
If you have any enrolment queries please contact Ebony Courtney, College Admissions Officer, on 5222 0490 or by email on
We are also accepting applications for all other year levels. Please complete the online application by visiting SHC Online Enrolments.
If you have any enrolment queries please contact Ebony Courtney, College Admissions Officer, on 5222 0490 or by email on
For more information, please visit our Enrolment page - Enrolments Overview
Recently the rowing program said goodbye to the 2020 and 2021 Senior rowers who had finished their time in the program after many years.
We wish the following students all the best for their future.
Olivia Marshall - 2020
Annie Atkinson - 2020
Makayla Spork - 2020
Matilda North - 2020
Camryn Howell - 2021
While we say goodbye to those students on Tuesday 20 April we had the pleasure of welcoming 24 students to participate in our first learn to row program for this year. This is a fantastic turn out for the program and we are looking forward to the next 3 weeks of the program.
If you are interested in participating in the next Learn to row program please email Laura at
On Monday 19 April Siena students and staff celebrated the feast day of our patron saint, St Catherine of Siena, which officially falls on 29 April. Students indulged in yellow-iced donuts whilst listening to music and engaging in activities such as 3-legged races. There was also the opportunity to purchase pizza and drinks, with all money raised contributing to Siena’s Term 2 Mercy Works initiative.
It was a fun-filled event and a fitting celebration to commemorate the life of St Catherine of Siena.
On Friday 23rd April, I was fortunate to be involved in the Legacy Day service at the Shrine of Remembrance, as part of my role as a Young Ambassador for the Shrine. Legacy is an organisation that supports the partners and children of veterans who gave their lives or health serving our country, and the Legacy Day service has a focus on and involvement of children. During the service, I laid a wreath during the service on behalf of the Young Ambassadors.
I returned to the Shrine two days later for the ANZAC Day commemorations, where I was involved in various volunteer activities, including acting as a guide and assisting visitors to the Shrine throughout this significant day.
NAPLAN testing for all Year 7 and Year 9 students will occur on Tuesday 11, Wednesday 12 and Thursday 13 May.
A letter to all families of students in Years 7 and 9 was sent out with information about the upcoming NAPLAN assessments, which can be viewed below.
Congratulations to Sarah Joordens 9CLYM and Paige Firth 9SIHC who competed at the Yarra Valley Invitation Clay Target Championship on Thursday 29 April at the Melbourne Clay Target Club.
Both girls did extremely well finishing 1st (Sarah) and 3rd (Paige) for SHC. Well done on your efforts!
Well done to the following students who competed over the holidays in the Australian Track and Field Championships at Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre. Fantastic results from them all and they all should be proud of their efforts.
Karla Boras
Tiana Boras
Karla Boras
Victoria Paape-Silva
Tiana Boras
Please be advised that the Planned Absence Notification Forms can be found on the Parent Portal. This form is for any student who will be absent from school for more than five days due to family holidays, sporting competitions etc.
This form will need to be completed and returned to Reception at least one week prior to the student's absence.
Adhering to this procedure will prevent parents unnecessarily receiving a text message from the College enquiring as to the whereabouts of absent students.
On Monday 3 May, 28 students travelled up to the Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre (MSAC) to compete in the SCSA Badminton against five Catholic girls’ schools from around Victoria. All schools were very competitive across the day.
Our Junior team showed a very strong presence the entire day winning all games and the semi-final to make it to the Grand Final. They took on Sacred Heart Oakleigh in what was a nail-biting game. Unfortunately, the girls went down only by a few points to finish 2nd overall for the day.
The Intermediates showed some great skill and finesse in their tough games. The team took on Sacred Heart Oakleigh in the Semi-Finals, only missing out by a few points to make the Grand Final. They finished 3rd overall.
The Seniors had very tough competition the whole day. They battled every game hard winning a game against Academy. The team finished a respectful 5th overall.
Well done to all competitors!
Junior: Emily Bishop, Hannah Burke, Georgia Caracella, Cate Donavan, Sarah Ford, Ally Lappin, Remi Moore, Isla Hanna-Philips, Angelina Pollard, Amelia Shiell, Tara Trethowan.
Intermediates: Olivia Bryant, Mia Carroll, Annie Cayzer, Hannah FitzGerald, Abbey Hocking, Tilly Kidd, Anne Ocampo, Georgie Tigani, Olivia Trethowan.
Seniors: Eliza Ahearn, Bianca Deckker, Sabrina Fehar, Savannah Hoskin, Luka Kanellos, Aqsa Nazar, Nikita Wahga, Astton Millen
1st – SHC Oakleigh
2nd – SHC Geelong
3rd – Killester
1st – Killester
2nd – SHC Oakleigh
3rd – SHC Geelong
1st – Killester
2nd – MSJ
3rd – SHC Oakleigh
4th – OLSH
5th – SHC Geelong
Congratulations to three Sacred Heart girls on being selected to represent Victoria Country in the Australian Girls AFL Championships.
The three Geelong Falcons players were part of successful Victorian teams - Year 12's Lizzie Dowling (Under 19) and Charlotte Simpson along with Year 11 Mia Van Dyke (both Under 17) in the Carnival that commenced last month, with Finals to be played later in the season.
These girls along with Emily Perrett (Year 11), Mekah Morrissey (Year 9) and Ava McKeegan (Class of '20) will also play for the Falcons in the finals of the NAB Girls League in the coming weeks.
Anthony Petkovic, Football Coach
Middle School Outdoor Education students participated in an overnight bushwalking camp from Lorne to Cumberland River in the last week of Term One.
The first day included a 16 kilometre hike through the Great Otway National Park. After a long day of hiking students and staff camped at the Cumberland River Holiday Park.
Day two of the camp involved a 12 kilometre hike back through the National Park.
Despite the camp being one of the most physically and mentally demanding activities I have ever participated in, I was fortunate enough to learn the skills of teamwork, endurance and make everlasting memories. This camp allowed me to realise the strength of not only myself but my class and the importance of teamwork.
Mia Barnard 10LOGR
The following excerpt is from The Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority Environmental Education Newsletter, under their Environmental Education News. Well done to all those involved!
Point Impossible has been the focus of activities for SHC sessions this term, as the students explored the concept of ‘Our Common Home’ in their Religious Studies curriculum. The aim of the sessions are to learn about the natural and cultural history of the area: the biodiversity, Waddawurrung Country, and the recreational culture of this special place.
Point Impossible is a magical place of wetlands, creek, estuary, dunes, and Moonah woodlands habitats. This place holds special significance to many but also faces many threats including pollution and marine debris from tourists and the close expanding township of Torquay.
Photos and text courtesy of The Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority Environmental Education Newsletter
A reminder that the College has an automated SMS system for notifying student absences. Please be advised that this number can only receive messages, and is not able to receive phone calls.
If your daughter is unable to attend school, please use the mobile number below to advise us of her absence. Messages can be sent at any time, but preferably before 9.00am.
When messaging via SMS, please remember to include your daughter’s full name and Homeroom details, together with the reason for her absence, eg unwell, appointment etc. Our database records will align with your mobile number to verify the contact details.
Alternatively, families are still welcome to contact Student Reception via telephone.
Student Absence Automated Mobile Number: 0419 959 693
Congratulations to the 28 students who travelled to the Melbourne Sports & Aquatic Centre in Melbourne on Wednesday 21st April to compete in the SCSA Futsal (Indoor Soccer) competition. The day started at 9.20am with all three teams playing in 5 games in a round robin against other Catholic schools from around Victoria.
The Juniors had very competitive games with a couple of draws, a win and a loss. They ended up 5th overall.
The Intermediates were very strong across the day making it to the Grand Final against Academy. Unfortunately, in a close grand final the team lost 4-2.
The Seniors had a strong pool across the day. They competed and tried their best, finishing 6th.
Congratulations to all teams for their efforts and good sportsmanship throughout the day.
Juniors: Alice Boyko, Lily Cavie, Juliette Downes, Evie Grgic, Isla Hanna-Phillips, Sophie Jordan, Isobel Rose, Lena Skoko, Isobel Wrochna.
Intermediates: Julia Akmacic, Amanda Dzajkic, Alessia Fierro, Chantel Glogolja, Maja Pehar, Tekayah Rabbas, Ella Romaniuk, Grace Spehar, Mia Skratulja.
Seniors: Alysha Collins, Coco Churton, Madeline Grace, Olivia Herceg, Meg Lehmann, Vanessa Mazaraki, Viktoria Peric, Olivia Schubert, Alana Simsic, Charlotte Zivcic.
We have a handy informative hub called 'Family Life @ SHC' which covers many aspects of being a student here at the College. The different topics covered include getting to school, school absences, ICT among a range of other subject matter.
To visit this page, please click here, or you can find it under the 'Enrolments' menu on our website and by selecting 'Family Life @ SHC'.
View the latest Principal's Update to Families and Students Email - Click here