Mercy Education Ltd have outlined their stance on COVID-19 vaccinations.
Most recent Principal's Update to Families and Students.
Congratulations to those who represented SHC at the Girls As Leaders in Stem program.
Students were recently treated to a pop up concert from some of our talented musicians.
We have a couple of interesting events on offer. Please see below the Zoom links for these events:
Circle of Mercy 28 October:
Meeting ID: 842 3574 4440
Passcode: 589783
Remembrance Service 4 November:
Meeting ID: 880 7015 7992
Passcode: 550965
Please see below a statement on COVID-19 Vaccinations from Mercy Education.
To access the links mentioned in the statement, please click the following:
Therapeutic Goods Administration
You can now purchase tickets for our upcoming school production, Diamonds - Women Take Centre Stage.
The event will be held in The Costa Centre for Performing Arts, McAuley Hall on the following dates:
Tickets: Adult $25 / Concession $20 / Student or Child $15
Please click this link to purchase tickets: Diamonds - Women Take Centre Stage
Dance on Stage and Screen has been a blast! As a class we have all had so much fun exploring different styles of performance such as musical theatre and contemporary. Each unit pushed us to choreograph challenging and engaging choreography. Each of us has taken prior experience and received new skills when it comes to dance. Whether we had been dancing since we were little or were brand new to choreographing. Performances were professional and exciting to put together with the plethora of lighting setups in the dance/drama studio. I speak for everyone when I say that Dance and Stage and Screen was a fun and enjoyable subject, regardless of whether you have years of dance experience under your belt or are brand new to dance.
Emma Owen Year 10 Dance Stage and Screen
Throughout the course of our dance, I have really enjoyed working as a group to produce a dance about women’s rights. I have certainly extended my knowledge on dance and skills, as we used a variety within our performance. Dance is all about expressing your emotions by using your body and having fun. I would definitely say that I discovered these throughout our journey of constructing a meaningful dance. Using technology was a great way to convey our message to the audience, and it looked really awesome. One thing I really enjoyed about this task was how we were able to be free and we had our own choice of what to create, while working as a group, but most importantly, having fun.
Year 8 - Dance and Technology student
I have really enjoyed this dance project with all my friends and I we were challenged by remembering the dance and coming up with new ideas to put into our dance, we had lot of fun working towards this dance and throughout the term we have become very close and have has lots of great laughs and memories. As a group we have created a very beautiful meaningful dance that we are all proud of and many things went well like celebrating our ideas together.
Year 8 - Dance and Technology student
I enjoyed the laughs and jokes that my group as made up, I also really liked how none of us knew who everyone was at the start (we knew like at least one other person in the group) but by the end of the project, we have all become pretty good friends. I liked how we didn’t just perform our dances but we got to see everyone else’s and the hard work they have put in for the dance to become alive.
Year 8 - Dance and Technology student
Please be advised the next Parent Communication Afternoon will be held on Thursday 25 November, from 3.30pm to 5.00pm. These evenings are available for parents who wish to discuss immediate or urgent matters with their daughter’s teacher. This can be done via a zoom meeting or a scheduled telephone call.
Teaching staff will be available between 3.30pm to 5.00pm. Please contact the staff member to arrange a suitable time for a meeting or a phone call within these times.
A reminder that the College has an automated SMS system for notifying student absences. Please be advised that this number can only receive messages, and is not able to receive phone calls.
If your daughter is unable to attend school, or needs to sign in/out due to an appointment, family matter etc, please use the mobile number below to advise us of her absence. Messages can be sent at any time, but preferably before 9.00am.
When messaging via SMS, please remember to include your daughter’s full name and Mentor Group details, together with the reason for her absence, eg unwell, appointment etc. Our database records will align with your mobile number to verify the contact details.
Alternatively, families are still welcome to contact Student Reception via telephone on 5221 4211.
For the latest Principal's Update to Families, please click here.
Please be advised that the Planned Absence Notification Forms can be found on the Parent Portal. This form is for any student who will be absent from school for more than five days due to family holidays, sporting competitions etc.
This form will need to be completed with teacher signatures and returned to Reception at least one week prior to the student's absence.
Adhering to this procedure will prevent parents unnecessarily receiving a text message from the College enquiring as to the whereabouts of absent students.
We have a handy informative hub called 'Family Life @ SHC' which covers many aspects of being a student here at the College. The different topics covered include getting to school, school absences, ICT among a range of other subject matter.
To visit this page, please click here, or you can find it under the 'Enrolments' menu on our website and by selecting 'Family Life @ SHC'.
Congratulations to staff Josh Todd, with the support of Danni Hoogland in the Makerspace. Josh was instrumental in forming and leading a partnership with Deakin through their Girls As Leaders in Stem program. Under the mentorship of Josh and Danni, students were able to proudly present their work at Geelong Library recently.
Using the design thinking model and looking to address a wicked problem, students worked in teams to produce a piece of work that showcased their research and thinking. As always, our students represented the college amazingly well.
Congratulations to Evelyn Downie, Leilani McFadden, Taliah Eastgate, Roisin Vaughan, Ruby Dowd and Tilly Black on representing Sacred Heart so admirably!
Did you know 11% of Australians have experienced image-based abuse (IBA)?
IBA happens when an intimate image or video is shared without the consent of the person pictured. It also includes the threat of an intimate image being shared and images or videos that have been digitally altered using specialised software like Photoshop.
eSafety is seeing an increase in reports of IBA by young people.
Parents and carers can learn how to support them by joining our upcoming webinar, eSafety's guide to online sexual harassment and image-based abuse. The webinar is for parents and carers of young people aged 13-18.
For more information and to register for this webinar, please click here.
You are invited to our next Circle of Mercy, to be held Thursday 12 August at 7.00pm. This will most likely be offered via zoom, due to Fr Richard Leonard being a resident of Sydney. To be sent a zoom link for this you must register via Try Booking by clicking here.
Lunchtime concerts are becoming increasingly popular, as students and staff enjoy the informal setting and the wonderful array of talent we have amongst our student cohort.
These concerts provide essential performance practice for our musicians and vocalists, enabling them to experience the nervous energy and exhilaration of being in front of an audience. When a performance is immediate and live, you never know what is going to happen!
For our final lunchtime concert of Term 2 we were treated to some fine clarinet duets, piano and violin solos, and some fine vocal performances. To have our biggest audience so far and also to have the enthusiastic support of many teachers encouraging the performers, it was a great end to music making for the term.
Christine Wilson - Arts Program Coordinator
Our Year 7 music program allows students the opportunity to learn a musical instrument for a semester as part of their studies. For many students, it opens up a whole new world as they explore the intricacies of learning fingering, technical skills, music notation, and the joy of making music together. Many students decide to continue learning their instrument into the future, developing more advanced musicianship and participating in the extra-curricular music program.
Celebrating accomplishments at the end of semester brings the instrumentalists together as they perform for their peers. They can be very proud of how well they play their instruments after one semester.
Christine Wilson - Arts Program Coordinator
Jocelyn Brewer from Digital Nutrition says "Remember that obsessing over screen time is a waste of energy! Instead, focus on the quality of the content and the bigger context that the screen-based media use is happening in. Being more intentional and more intelligent + informed with the online activities being consumed trumps just monitoring minutes" (Jocelyn Brewer, Digital Nutrition, 2021).
For more advice from Jocelyn, please see the images below.
Students relaxing at the College Café or eating lunch in the Atrium recently found themselves listening to a wonderful impromptu concert by the SHC Rock Band. Without any prior announcement, these engaging and talented performers quietly set up their equipment and launched into song.
With a repertoire of contemporary favourites, the Band - Anastacia Harvey, Michaela Zygmunt and Matilda Snowden ably assisted by Mr. Ben Baker - presented great songs which students could sing along and identify with.
With such an enthusiastic response and the way students were uplifted as they headed off for afternoon classes, we look forward to more of these ‘pop up ‘ performances next term.
Christine Wilson - Arts Program Coordinator